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Corporate Responsibility
Metallum Resources is dedicated to conducting business in a manner that is economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. Metallum strives to ensure that its business is conducted with the highest standards and aims to improve the lives of those in our local communities.
Community Relations
Metallum Resources believes in treating others with respect and dignity. We are aware of the role our company plays in society and we pride ourselves in our ability to maintain strong local relations in all aspects of our operations.

Protecting and preserving biodiversity and sustainably managing living natural resources is of high importance of Metallum. We know that prioritizing sustainability is beneficial to all and we respect and follow the regulatory requirements relating to our environmental impact.

Health & Safety
Metallum recognizes its responsibility in promoting health, safety, and security of our employees. All health and safety risks are evaluated on a regular basis to mitigate risk.

Covid-19 Update
Metallum is focused on the health and safety of its workforce and on measures to prevent and
manage the transmission of COVID-19 across our offices and operations in order to safeguard
the health of our employees and the communities we are operating in. Management is
committed to operating safely and profitability while maintaining industry best practices in
employee relations, community outreach, and environmental safeguards.
Our Commitments